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Milan Shimono
Milan is an experience designer, intuitive in tech, alignment coach and mother.
That’s Philosophical
Get refreshing ideas powered by ancient philosophies.
Help Stay
Connecting travelers with hosts of great projects around the world
All about pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and other emerging wellness tech.
Wait But Why
A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything.
A Bi-weekly newsletter where I share with you amusing psychological insights.
The Apparent Letter
Nurture your inner parent with ideas from mindfulness, psychology & neuroscience
The New Communicator
At the intersection of B2B communications and technology.
Deploy Yourself by Sumit Gupta
Ideas that will show you how powerful you are, and how to get out of your own wa
Computing topics explained in plain English, in under 5 minutes.
Grit List
A newsletter for early stage founders who want to improve their hustle
Create Soul Space
Break free from domestic violence, create the space to become YOU again!
Friday Digest
The life-hacking, adventure-seeking, financially-freeing, Friday-only digest.
Goodbye 2021 – with happiness and gratitude!
Goodbye 2021 – with happiness and gratitude!
Five Boosts by Self Helping Yourself
Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Life, Every Week
The Daily RESET
Curated curious daily newsletter to inform, inspire and impress.
A weekly newsletter for the curious with interesting reads, tools & resources
Timeless & Timely
Become a better leader, a better communicator, and a better human.