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Meco Reads
The best links, learnings and newsletters from around the interweb 🪄
Open Pull Request
Discover new & Inspiring Open Source libraries to build, contribute and learn
A weekly email about the old age of youth, from a moody tween in her forties.
Carrot Cake
A couple of weekly questions to consider if you are doing the work.
The Amazing Things & Ideas Newsletter
Shares ways (through original and curated content) to make you a better thinker.
Bitchin' Pitchin'
Monthly freelance toolkit with pitches that landed stories in top publications!
Decks and Diapers
Decoding the world of babies and business, simultaneously
Actionable advice for software engineers looking to get a promotion.
Neon: Solution Architects💡
Notion templates, tips, and tutorials to make you more productive!
Grit List
A newsletter for early stage founders who want to improve their hustle
Letters for Creatives
Helps creatives make their creative process easier.
Work Brighter
Resources to help you define productivity in your own work and life!
Tiny Revolutions
A weekly newsletter about the art and science of becoming who you are
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Writing by Anna Pulley - novels, sex & dating advice, freebies, & creativity