Discover the best education & learning newsletters.

being not doing
we do enough doing, this is about resisting the rat race
Pearl Runner
A newsletter to send you amazing content that you wouldn’t have found otherwise

The Apparent Letter
Nurture your inner parent with ideas from mindfulness, psychology & neuroscience
The Playpen
Keeping parents of toddlers in the loop with content from around the web
Weekly insight from industry insiders on the topic of web development
The Wolf Of Harcourt Street
A weekly newsletter focused on all things investing and personal finance

Johnny's Garden
Regenerative gardening. Nerdy plant stuff, healthy soil, saving the world.
Entrepreneur List Weekly
Discover the best entrepreneurship courses & books from top entrepreneurs.
Sonia's Poem of the Week
Read more poetry! Sends one good poem every Friday + commentary.
Investment Books
Receive awesome snippets related to Investing and Life from Brilliant Books
Wonder Tools
Useful sites and apps to make your life a tiny bit more productive and creative
Ten Minute Startup
In ten minutes you'll learn how to start up a new pretty neat business idea.

Dead Carl and You
Military history, theory, and international affairs analysis

The Podcast Space
Practical Podcast Strategies that double your impact without doubling your work
Product Mgmt Digest- Data & AI
Tips and Learnings from product professionals - Product Skills, Career & Data
Eleanor's Iceberg
Learn obscure history & science using fantasy fiction as a framing device.

Learn by short pieces of information to empower your career.
Bitesize reports providing clear analysis on tech stocks and crypto assets.
The Build
Building the future of AI, DAOs, education, and tiny architecture.

A wonderland for those still curious about the world around them.
The Educationalist
A European perspective on education and technology
The Study Newsletter
A biweekly bookish newsletter for lifelong learners and wanderers alike.