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Colors & Fonts
A curated library of colors and fonts for digital designers and web developers
How It Actually Works
Answering the question: how does the world actually work?
On psychology and philosophy that have practical applications
Security Wale
Security Wale is a newsletter about cloud, cybersecurity, and in between.
A Zoetic Message
Movement within and without, seen and unseen, balanced throughout.

Polis Doxa - The Transitions Letter
To equip senior decision-makers with distinctive insights and strategic intellig
Data for Good
A roundup of curated industry news about Sustainability, Climate, AI and Tech.
Shiny Weekly
R Shiny Community News - Tutorials, Apps, Events, And More.
In search of the finer things — because the finest ones still cost too much.
Science Of Affirmations
Unlock the great powers within you.
The Market Innovators
All about marketing, fintech, & businesses with their best and worst strategies
Looking for Wisdom
Philosophy for the insatiably curious
The Startup
Summarising: 📚 + 💭 + 🧠 about entrepreneurship, startups and life.
Led by Community
The Newsletter for Community Pros

Stark Realities with Brian McGlinchey
Invigoratingly unorthodox perspectives for intellectually honest readers

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letting go of what we've been told we *should* wear so we can discover our style
Friends news by Nick Gray
Life hacks, business research, and interesting links.

The Uncertainty Mindset
On uncertainty — what it is, how it affects us, and how to respond to it
Peter Thaleikis
Cool stuff I find on the web, side-projects or articles I've just written
Think Big
A science-based worldview, cyber-culture & addressing modern inefficiencies