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Create Soul Space
Break free from domestic violence, create the space to become YOU again!
How Curious!
Monthly newsletter packed with awesome discoveries and personal recommendations
The Uncertainty Mindset
On uncertainty — what it is, how it affects us, and how to respond to it
Contemporary Idiot
The contemporary world, as seen through the eyes of a Contemporary Idiot.
How About This
Notebook nerdery, creativity, reading, writing, and realizing. To start with.
TrashPandaThoughts provides a personal perspective on life with ADHD.
Deliberate Internet
Nuanced perspectives combining Remote Work, Technology, Psychology,and Solarpunk
Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life
Radical ideas, utopian visions, and psychologically oriented essays.
The Apparent Letter
Nurture your inner parent with ideas from mindfulness, psychology & neuroscience
The Hue-Man Experience
Studying consciousness, only to realize that everything is everything.
The Path to Oneness
Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones advise on spiritual guidance and ascension.